Friday, August 15, 2008

Lack of endurance

You guys? I'm exhausted. Because I woke up at 7 and went to school and went through boxes and pretended to push furniture around for...oh, I don't know, maybe 2 hours? ish?

I'm such a wimp! All this laying around and doing nothing with my time has worn me down so that I can't seem to do anything. I'm babysitting an infant later, and I'm seriously considering a nap.

But if I don't, you know what I'll do tonight? Sleep. All Night Long. (That's your song of the day, by Jay's request...I spend like 3 or 4 whole minutes coming up with a blog tie-in to that song. I work hard to entertain you guys.) (Also, when it's stuck in your head all day, blame him.)

Have great weekends! I'm headed for the homeland for a wedding shower. Basically, I'm going to eat like it's my last meal because my aunts are all phenomenal cooks, and I'm out of money so it's all ramen and frozen veggies up in here.

1 comment:

Jay ... said...

Tam bo li de say de moi ya
Hey Jambo Jumbo
Way to parti o we goin'
Oh, jambali
Tam bo li de say de moi ya
Yeah, Jambo, jumbo
- Lackey