Thursday, March 20, 2008

Hell Yeah!

This weekend is going to be a doozy. I'm leaving on a jet plane tonight for the wilds of Colorado. While I'm there, I will pseudo-host my sister's bachelorette party (Kate and Leigh have generously agreed to let us crash at their places, so I just sort of asked a lot of questions more than I'm really hosting) and in the process I will cross three things off of my list- riding a mechanical bull, learning to ski, and learning to snowboard. I think that's all. My main goal is come home without getting broken. Anyone want to place bets on that happening?

Anyway, another good sign of how this weekend will go:

I received this email from my future brother-in-law this morning, with the subject line "It's 9:00".

Liquor store is FINALLY open, seriously, like people don't need a beverage before then? Anyway, what you want to drink this weekend? Miller Lite? Scotch? IPA's? Pale Ale? Wheat Beer? Vodka? Rum?

If you want beer, let me know what you like, if you like something else, just let me know.
Thanks! See you in a bit, gonna be fun hazing your big sister! :+)

So yeah, that should be fun. I promise pictures when I get back.

I leave you with my song of the day, "Nothing is Wrong" by Gomez. In attempting to find a video to go with it, I found this tribute to Jim Halpert set to the song. It's a combination of 2 really great things that make my day. Happy Thursday. Office, come back soon.

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